order to assist with the scaling it is also advisable to draw round the
base of the teeth. Check with your local biology or physical
anthropology departments for a tomograph with which to make the 5 mm horizontal
slices. Otherwise, it is relatively easy to make a tool to cut the
alginate mold parallel to the plane of the teeth. On a flat, smooth,
190 x 125 mm wooden board paste heavy cardboard strips parallel to each
other, 70 mm apart, resulting in a two “walls” of height 5mm. On
top of, and perpendicular to the cardboard walls place an 80 mm long razor
blade, creating a wide slicing area. Push each quadrant of the dental
impression through this tool so as to cut off the bottom 5 mm of impression
material in the occlusal plane. Place the quadrants back together
at the origin on the graph paper, trace them, and repeat the process until
all of the impression material is drawn in this way.
Alternatively, you can use a cast to get the contour lines: fill the cast with liquid to depths of 5, 10, and 15 mm, photographing each depth.
a detailed illustration of this process please refer to Ladefoged’s chapter
on static palatography in his 2003 book, Phonetic Data Analysis.