# This script will draw a spectrum from a 40 ms window around the cursor in the editor window. # # The original version of the script can be found in the scripting tutorial of the built-in Praat manual. # However, the original script does not work with the new Praat versions; this one does. :-) # # 11.3.2002 Mietta Lennes # Make a temporary selection from the original sound: cursor = Get cursor start = cursor - 0.02 end = cursor + 0.02 Select... start end # name the new Sound object according to the time point where the cursor was milliseconds = round (cursor * 1000) Extract windowed selection... FFT_'milliseconds'ms Kaiser2 2 no # leave the Sound editor for a while to calculate and draw the spectrum endeditor # Make the Spectrum object from the new Sound To Spectrum Edit editor Spectrum FFT_'milliseconds'ms # zoom the spectrum to a comfortable frequency view... Zoom... 0 5000 endeditor # select and remove the temporary Sound object select Sound FFT_'milliseconds'ms Remove # return to the Sound editor window and recall the original cursor position editor Move cursor to... cursor